7 Sleep Hacks You Need In Your Life

How to Eliminate Anxious Thoughts and Get Some Sleep

When I first started therapy my most pressing concern was: “My anxious thoughts are keeping me up all night. I’m exhausted — HELP!” With a little help from my friend (er… therapist), sleep is no longer my enemy.

Here my game-changing sleep tips:

  1. Count backwards from 100 – This may sound obvious, but TRY IT! The key is that it’s complicated enough that your mind doesn’t wander, but not so complicated that you’ll focus too much. If you lose track, start over.

  2. Magnesium – (my OBGYN also recommended this product to me when I was having pregnancy-related migraines and it’s the only thing that helped) Natural Vitality Calm Gummies or powder. My husband and I both swear by these – they make a HUGE difference.

  3. Five senses grounding – touch base with your senses to bring you back to present. Notice 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

  4. White noise – I am obsessed with my Hatch Restore. The white noise has magical properties, I swear.

  5. Square Breathing – While there are lots of breathing exercises, this one makes the most difference for me. Breathe in for 4, hold for 4, Breathe out for 4, hold for 4, repeat. Visualize that you’re making a square with your breath.

  6. Weighted eye mask – I can’t do the weighted blanket thing (but they’re also great if that’s up your alley!), but a NodPod Gentle Pressure Sleep Mask is my jam!

  7. Get help – I suffered quietly for 30 years with anxiety and now that I have support, I sincerely wish I hadn’t. Talk to your doctor. Find a therapist. You got this!

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