stay at home mom – emphasis on the mom.

Stay at home mom - emphasis on the mom

Too much is expected of stay-at-home-moms. There. I said it. From society, from our friends, from our families, from ourselves. The role of SAHM has become less ‘mom’ and more…. ‘everything else’.

The ‘mom’ part of stay-at-home-mom… that part is a full time job. So why is everything else on our plates, too?

It’s no wonder moms feel overworked, overwhelmed, exhausted and burned out. The mental load of motherhood is crushing.

I’m campaigning to rewrite the SAHM job description. But in the meantime, I’m starting at home by putting the MOM in stay-at-home mom. My job, my priority is to engage with my kids. To be present with them. To make them feel heard and loved and confident.

Everything else… that’s a second job that’s split between my husband and me. It’s a dynamic worth fighting for – for my own wellbeing, and to show my kids what they deserve.

Who’s with me??

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