hi, i’m that quiet mom. welcome to my blog.

I’m glad you’re here and I’m going to get into right into it! Hi, my name is…. that quiet mom. While you’ll be getting to know me intimately here, I won’t be sharing private details like my name or my face. “Why,” you ask? Well, because I’m an introvert. And because I have anxiety. Lots more on both of these facts soon. “So, why are you doing this, then?” is your next logical question. And away we go!

who am I? (other than that quiet mom)

I am a stay-at-home mom of two littles (a 3yo girl and a 1yo boy). While I love being a mom, I, like literally every other mom in history, also struggle with it. After my son was born I had crippling postpartum anxiety (a phrase I was unfamiliar with at the time). I’ve been in therapy for going on a year and, although I still have anxiety, it’s much less crippling.

Recently, I’ve been discussing with my therapist the culture of comparison and how the vast majority of mother examples I see in my daily life (on social media, on TV, etc.) are extroverts living happy, spontaneous lives. I don’t relate to them – I want to be like them, but I’m just not. Instead, I am shy, sensitive, and introverted… and I’ve also always tried to not be those things. I used to think that life would be easier if I were an extrovert.

But now I am on a journey to erase that thought and find respect and value in who I am to my core – anxiety and introversion included.

*taps on mic* anyone else out there feel the same?

(By the way, I am also a former event planner, kind and caring, a great listener, an empath, a loyal and loving sister, daughter, and friend. I love to read and travel and sleep (although I don’t do much of any of those lately). Positive parenting and breaking down generational curses are my passion. I love learning and the ocean, but I’m not a fan of hugs or bugs… yes, this is me trying not to reduce myself to my children and my struggles.)

cool, so, why blogging?

Funny you should ask! A collision of worlds, I suppose. I’ve always tended to write my feelings (hi, introvert) so blogging feels like a natural outlet. And… I’m in Boss Babe’s Influencer School (I promise, lots more on this later!). Natalie Ellis (@iamnatalie), who I admire immensely, totally sold me on the creator economy and I wanted to put my stamp on it, in my own way.

As I made my way through the first module of Influencer School, the professors encouraged me to dig deep to find my true self, what “lights me up”. That’s when I realized: Motherhood is the first and only job I’ve every truly loved and wanted to improve at every single day. And, maybe there are moms out there, like me, who are inundated with extroverted examples of carefree mothers while struggling with their own introverted version of motherhood. So, I’m here hoping to be that bridge.

If you’re a mom who is an introvert and/or struggling with anxiety, I see you. I am you. And there’s nothing wrong with us.

I am excited/nervous/terrified/anxious/motivated/happy/unsure about this journey, but I can’t thank you enough for finding my blog and following along. I’d love to learn more about you, so feel free to leave a comment or email me at hi@thatquietmom.com.

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