A Week of Motherhood Mindset

Let’s dig into this past week’s motherhood mindset — check out instagram for more.

May your coffee be as strong as the wills of your children. Strength all around.

Surrounded by love and crumbs. Toddlers and crumbs go together like peanut butter and jelly… which, for that matter, are some of the biggest crumb culprits in our house.

Setting goals, boundaries, expectations, and the table. We know about all the hats moms wear, but what about all the things we set? Phew, the mental load, it’s exhausting! Here’s to: achieving your goals! Maintaining your boundaries! Managing your expectations! And finding cups your kids can’t spill and plates they can’t dump!

Coffee in one hand, tiny fingers in the other. How will I cope when those tiny hands fit into mine, instead of just grabbing a finger or two? And don’t even get me started on when they don’t want to hold my hand at all…

Changing my perspective while changing diapers. Even when you’re up to your elbows, you can still work on yourself. I know it’s daunting, it’s overwhelming, it’s your lowest priority… but a mindset shift can shift your whole world. Showing up as my authentic self daily has had huge implications in my life and my parenting – I feel lighter, happier, free. Putting in the work IS. WORTH. IT. Start with baby steps, one thing at a time!

Loads of laundry, loads of love. May your day (and your life) be filled with much more of the latter!

Hope you had a great week!

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