The Best Travel Products for Kids

Planning a family vacation can be stressful enough, but when you have to worry about packing all the right gear for your little ones, it’s enough to make you want to stay home. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Check out our list of the best products for traveling with kids, babies, and toddlers and get ready for some fun-filled memories.

While all of my opinions are completely my own and based off of my own experiences, I may earn a small commission on some of these links (and if you purchase from any of my links, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support!)

The art of packing is so underrated. You want everything in order so it’s easy to find when you need it! That’s why we’re obsessed with Walker Family Goods. The kids each have their own States Duffles and I have a Valley Duffle. They are high quality and so well thought out, and we love the ease of each kid having their own color. Walker Family Goods’ philosophy of allowing families to travel simply, is one I can definitely agree with. (PS – To make packing even easier, I’m a huge fan of packing cubes, too)

Travel and sleep for kids are two things that just don’t mix. That’s why I try to make the environment as close to their bedrooms at home as possible. And for us, that means two things: Hatch Rest+ and Toniebox. We don’t leave home without them. Hatch doubles as a nightlight and white noise, and you all know my obsession with the Toniebox for sleep.

Hotel wifi tips: load all your Tonies onto your Toniebox before you travel. You’ll likely need a hotspot to change the Hatch program on hotel wifi.

If you have a child who is in a portable crib or sleeps on a cot, do not – I repeat – DO NOT travel without a SlumberPod. It creates a blackout environment for your little one even if the lights are on in your hotel room, meaning, you no longer have to go to bed when baby does! (Queue applause). Baby won’t stir every time you move around the room, you can even, dare I say it, turn on the TV while your little one sleeps soundly in the same room. There is also a zipper pouch to hold your baby monitor, which brings me to my next product…

Baby Monitor (non-wifi)

For safety and spotty-wifi reasons, we always travel with a baby monitor that doesn’t rely on internet (in fact, it’s what we use in our home, too). We’ve tried more than a few and can definitely tell you the ones to avoid. But instead, we’ll tell you our favorite. The Infant Optics DXR-8 PRO.


Every mom knows the importance of packing snacks – but while traveling the snacks also have to be fun, time consuming, and (relatively) mess-free. The best of the best in this category are: the Gobe Snack Spinner (every single home with kids needs a Gobe!) and the MorePeas Essential Snack Cup (who knew a snack cup could be so genious?).

Other Travel-with-Kids Tips & Hacks:

  • Laundry: For car travel, I love packing in a flexible laundry basket and stacking it on an extra empty one in the car – the empty one becomes our hamper for dirty clothes on vacation so I can throw laundry straight in the wash when we get home.

  • Portable Crib: If you’re bringing your own, make sure it’s the BabyBjorn Travel Crib Light. If you’re not packing your own – always ALWAYS call the hotel in advance to request one on your reservation. Call the day of your departure to confirm one is available. Call when you’re getting close to confirm it is waiting for you in your room. I have been burned on this more than once.

  • Toddler in a Big Bed: If your little one is too big for a portable crib, but not quite able to handle a big bed on their own, there are two options we love. First is the pillow-under-a-fitted-sheet hack (just like it sounds – put a pillow, or a rolled up towel, under the fitted sheet to act as a ‘bumper’ so they don’t roll out of bed). Second is the Hiccapop Inflatable Travel Toddler Bed (PSST… with a little extra stretching the SlumberPod fits over this, too!)

  • Diaper Bag Hacks: (PSST my favorite, fashionable ‘diaper bag’ for travel (and life) is the MZ Wallace Medium Tote – this thing holds so much while looking great!)

    Always keep the following in your diaper bag when traveling:

    • Extra diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, bug spray – best sunscreen is Pipette

    • Change of clothes for everyone

    • Snacks & waters – best toddler cups are Zak Straw Cups

    • Medicine kit with bandaids and common meds

    • Disposable placemats and Disposable Bibs

    • Small toys to keep them entertained – Fat Brain Whirly Squiz are the best because you can suction them to tables, airplane trays, anything — and they’ll keep little ones busy!

  • The Best Car Trip Toys:

  • Baby Proofing

  • Car Sickness

    • Children’s Dramamine (as your pediatrician first, of course) – my daughter HATES the taste of it so we crush it up and mix it in applesauce.

    • Anti-Nausea Bracelets – These really seem to help and my daughter feels like a superhero when she wears them.

    • My favorite hack: Get a couple towels, cut a slit in the top to create a poncho for your little puker to wear, just in case.

    • Your car should have a puke kit easily available with:

      • Towels

      • Trash Bags

      • Baby Wipes

      • Extra Clothes

      • Disinfectant Wipes

And that’s it! Our list of the best products for traveling with kids. What are your favorite baby and toddler travel products? Let us know in the comments below. We love trying new things and might just add them to our packing list for our next trip. Safe travels, everyone!

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